Happiness in every way
As you meditate on a daily basis, you will notice the positive changes in your life, whether it is sleeping in peace or waking up in peace, sitting, standing or walking with happiness.
Overview : 1. The Path of Sensual Indulgence
The path of sensual pleasure [kamasukhallikanuyogal, is to seek for pleasures through the channels of the five outer senses: eyes, ears, nose, mouth and physical contact
Basic Meditation Technique Step #3
Now, bring your mind to focus to the center of your body, in the middle of your abdomen, two finger widths above the navel level.
Meditation Session for Locals - Wat Phra Dhammakaya Korsør Lystskov, Denmark
On Friday August 12, 2016, Wat Phra Dhammakaya Korsør Lystskov, Denmark welcomed some locals living around the area who are interested in learning about meditation.
The Noble Truth of Suffering : 11. Separation from loved ones and treasured things
If we are someone who wishes for fulfillment by the sense-pleasures and habitually partake of those sense-pleasures
Target Character Trait # 2 : Responsibility for the human dignity of others
Bias because of desire [chandagati]; results in unjust treatment due to the influence of personal love and pleasure.
Recall the Four Target Character Traits which will assist a person in absorbing the Positive Core Values necessary for reforming human nature and the quality of society, namely
The Noble Truth of Suffering :10. Exposure to hateful things
The Buddha characterized this form of suffering as the sort of cloudedness of mind, grief and melancholy which result from cloudedness of mind
The Ten Assignments for all Meditators
The Ten Homework Assignments for Meditation Practitioners To improve our meditation experience, we must always observe how well we meditate every day.
Source of Willpower
We are born as human beings and it is natural that we have to confront both positive and negative changes throughout our lives.